About Us

Blackartcloseouts.com is an initiative of Savacou Gallery and has been created to liquidate a large inventory of prints, plates and figurines.

Savacou gallery was launched in October 1985, making it one of the oldest galleries in the United States showcasing works by artist of African ancestry. In addition to its fine art retail gallery, Savacou launched one of the earliest Black art mail order business in 1986. Through that operation the gallery distributed prints and posters worldwide at the retail and wholesale levels. The gallery also launched the first Black art collector plate series titled Foundations of African American Heritage

After a quarter century operating at the same location in New York’s trendy east village, Savacou Gallery closed the doors of its retail operation and moved into the production of art events.

The collection of prints, plates and figurines offered for sale on Blackartcloseouts.com is part of Savacou Gallery’s remaining inventory.

Blackartcloseouts.com is backed by a strong, highly-respected brand, Savacou Gallery.

To read more about Savacou Gallery